SAIPAR Case Review Vol. 1: Issue 1 (May 2017)


Year Published; 2014



Katuka v Electoral Commission of Zambia

(2016/CC/0025) [2016] ZMCC 2 (9 August 2016)

Chanda Chungu

Kaluka and Another v Inonga Wina and Others

(2016/CC/0010/2016/CC/0011) [2016] ZMCC (15 August 2016)

Tinenji Banda

Hichilema and Another v Lungu and Another

(2016/CC/0031) [2016] ZMCC 4 (5 September 2016)

Majority Judgement

Muna Ndulo

Minority Judgement

Dunia Zongwe


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